Everyday there are two things we take for granted:
1. Our 5 Human Senses
(Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, Hearing)
2. Being Alive
(We are 1 out of 8.1 Billion)

With that construct, each Censes program will enhance
our senses and evokes human emotion. Our products
exist to unite charities, the underserved, or stories
that are untold with a physical representation to
enlighten others around us. Each product has a
direct portion of proceeds allocated to help
make the world a better place.


And that is how CENSES was born.

SENSE : (noun) a faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus;
one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch.

CENSUS : (noun) an official count or survey of a population;
typically recording various details of individuals.

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